
Saturday 2 March 2019

Time for an honest chat.

It seems that every time I write on this blog I'm having to excuse the massive expanse of time that's past since the last time I posted.... but here we are again. Sorry.

I really have missed being on social media and online platforms and as predictable as it might sound life really has got in the way. There are multiple reasons for my failure to keep up with this blog and I want to address them fairly briefly in the hopes you don't get bored and wander off.

Firstly, like the vast majority of adult humans in this world I have a job and just like them, it is often the bain of my existence. I don't think that being able to earn a living wage by eating food, travelling and sharing my painfully average life with the world is too much to ask! Unfortunately, I have found that working life not only takes a toll on my free time but also my creativity but I'm really trying to turn that around and find a balance for both.

Secondly and probably the biggest hurdle for my writing has been my general health. Low iron is an issue I've had for many years and before anyone starts preaching that it's because of my diet, the issues began pre my vegan life so none of that thanks!
Whatever the reason might be, it turns out my levels are through the floor again which leaves me feeling pretty darn rubbish and only just being able to get through the work day let alone getting involved in any extracurricular activities! It also doesn't do much for my mental well being.

Clearly, I didn't want there to be something medically wrong with me but now that I might have a reason for feeling horrendous the past few months I can actually look at doing something about it! I don't want to place too much optimism into the idea that changing this one thing will immediately leave me feeling energised, happy and healthy but am sure hoping it will be a decent start. I just want to feel a little less rubbish and a little more normal after 8 years of health complaints.... please?

I want to end by making it clear that I give no promises that I'll be able to do this blog the justice it deserves but what I can promise is I'm going to give it a damn good try and so hope you'll stick around to see what's to come.

Oh, and if there is anything specific you'd like to see please do let me know in the comments.


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