
Monday 26 March 2018

Taste Test | Egg Alternatives.

I won't be alone in my frustration at missing out on many foods due to the presence of egg, most desserts and sweet treats tend to have egg in even if they are advertised as "dairy free".
I have been craving cakey goodness for a while now and so I decided to research and test some of the recipe options we have as vegans by replacing egg with alternatives.

First of all I thought I'd try something simple that I was fairly certain couldn't go wrong .... CREPES.
I found a recipe that replaces the egg with olive oil and works an absolute treat!
I can't stress how yummy these turned out, just like my Mum used to make. They were enjoyed by all including the two non-vegans that I was feeding and I even managed to flip a couple without completely destroying the pancakes.

3 cups flour
6 tablespoons brown sugar
3 cups soy milk (or other alternative)
2 tablespoon olive oil

This makes about 6 pancakes..

Just top with anything you like... I went for traditional lemon and sugar but would be tempted by Sweet Freedom chocolate spread next time!

So admittedly this isn't "cakey" but do not fear as the next one is well on it's way to being actual cake (you'll have to read to the end to see the real thing!).

I read about this hack a long time ago but hadn't quite got round to trying for myself but it intrigued me and now you'll know whether it's worth trying for yourselves. Brownies can easily be made vegan with one simple ingredient, Coke!
Now stay with me here because I was just as unsure as you are at this point but I honestly recommend it as a quick and easy way of enjoying gooey in the middle, crunchy on the outside brownies.

Simply buy a box of brownie mix (making sure there is no milk powder or milk chocolate in it) mix it up with 3/4 a can of coke and cook to instructions!

Lastly but most terrifying is a cake made using "Orgran No egg, egg replacer" - a powder that is mixed with water to replicate egg. Victoria sponge has always been my go to baked good, it's simple, quick and generally delicious. Everyone loved Vicky sponge right!?
No I was very skeptical about using this product and it has actually been sat in my cupboard for months since I bought it because I was so unconvinced! However for the sake of this post I knew I had to give it a try!
My worries came to reality sadly as the cake didn't rise ... not even a little bit. The poor thing looked very sad when I took it from the oven. Having said that the flavour was still great - it reminded me of shortbread more than cake and I love shortbread so no complaints from me!
I was pleased with the overall outcome even if it more resembled a biscuit than cake, the taste was there and I'm definitely going to experiment further with this reaplacer to try and work out how it works best.
Recipe I used is posted below the photos


  • 6oz caster sugar
  • 6oz butter (I used vitalite)
  • 6oz self-raising flour
  • 3 "eggs"
  • Dash of soya milk 

  1. Mix butter and sugar until creamy
  2. Add egg
  3. Add flour
  4. Add milk to correct consistency 
  5. Place into cake tins
  6. Bake in oven 180oC for 25 mins

Butter cream and jam to fill!

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